New girlfriend just dropped
This marks the end of chapter 5! Over the course of making this chapter I experienced multiple RSI's, a cancer diagnosis in the family, diagnosis of & medication of my own mental health issues, all of which I am very thankful to say I have come out the other side of a little stronger. I also landed my first "real" job in comics, which I've been chipping away at behind the scenes, as well as pumping out a bunch of new prints for some conventions coming up this year.
That said - I will be at VanCAF on May 18 & 19, where I'll be debuting my first ever Fairmeadow print (I'm sorry I know) and still hocking a bunch of Fairmeadow sketchbooks, as well as other unrelated prints and stickers! Come drop by table K-10 (I'll post a map & such next week) and say hi if you're in the area.
also if anyone has any ideas of something I should share as a bit of filler between chapters please comment your thoughts lolĀ